New Kyle Photos

I know I have been very remiss in not posting recent photos of Kyle. (The most recent ones were posted in April.) I have finally managed to go through and tag/catalog all the ones I have (up to a couple of weeks back). I’ll be posting them over the next few days. Please keep in mind that in order to finally catch up, I decided to simply batch process all the images, so they may not be up to the usually standards. (Normally, I manually process each image, but that’s quite time consuming.) Anyway, the first batch is up at Kyle: May & June 2011. Here’s a couple of images:

At Ben & Jerry's

At the Providence Zoo


More Kyle Photos

I know I’ve been remiss about not getting photos up earlier. Well, I just added a number from May and June including Kyle and Suzanne’s trip to Sesame Place and our trip to Wesport, MA with my mom’s family. Please enjoy.

I hope to have more photos from Westport and some photos from the 4th of July up in the next few days as well, so be sure to check back if you’re interested.

A Brief Update

We hope everyone else is doing well.

We had a very nice holiday time. Jack and Mary Lou came up for Christmas and a few days afterward.

Photos of Kyle from Nov & Dec 2009.

For Kyle and my actual birthdays we simply did dinner out and presents. We did have a party for Kyle, but delayed it until Jan 23rd to avoid the holiday rush. Suzanne did all of the work and it was a great time for all the kids. We had it at the building in the park near our house as our place is far too small for 14 kids. We got lucky as the weather was pretty good (sunny but a bit cool), so the kids could play in the playground for some time.

Photos of Kyle from Jan & Feb 2010.

In terms of things upcoming, our big news is that Suzanne and I are heading to Istanbul, Tukey for a week in March. Suzanne found out a couple of weeks ago that the five vacation days she carried over from last year had to be used by the end of March. We looked around at what to do and had settled on spending a few days in Charleston, SC (about three hours from Jack & Mary Lou’s house) after considering a cruise and Europe. I attended a talk by Arthur Frommer (of guidebook fame) at the Boston Public Library and he mentioned some deals on his blog, one of which was a special trip to Istanbul for 4 nights including air and hotel for $900 each including taxes, etc. We figured we wouldn’t get such an oppurtunity again, so we went for it. It should be exciting and will definitely be different from anywhere else we’ve traveled.