Update and some new photos

We hope things are well with everyone.

I posted some photos of Kyle

We’re doing okay. In early August, we spent a day at the Red Mill Museum in Clinton (about 30 minutes west of us) during the Revolutionary Soldier encampment. A couple of weeks later, we spent a great day at the Greenwood Lake Airshow in West Milford. We got to see lots of stunt planes and some historic ones. Aside from them having to cancel most of the second flight session due to an nearby accident requiring medevac helicopters, it was very enjoyable.

Colonial KyleWith a B-25 at the Greenwood Lake Airshow

During the week before Labor Day, we spent a day in Philadelphia. Kyle is really into the Revolutionary War, so he enjoyed seeing the historic sites and getting another Junior Ranger badge. Aside from the rain, it was very nice. We even got to see them “ring” (really lightly tap) the Liberty Bell as it happened to be the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech.

With the Liberty BellAnother Junior Ranger

The weekend after Labor day, my family got together and rented a house in Newport (actually Middletown) RI to have a memorial for my Grandfather. We always like spending some time with family. We were also only a short walk to the beach, but it happened to be on the cool side that weekend, so it was a bit chilly. We also did our annual apple picking trip to Terhune Orchards in Princeton. The cider and donuts afterward are always a treat.

First Day of School

Our big thing in October was our trip to Disney World. We met up with my brother Allan and my mom (the latter for the first part of the week) and had an excellent time. I’m still working on photos, but will have them posted along with a trip report (hopefully) soon.

Suzanne and Kyle are currently visiting with her parents in South Carolina. I’ll be heading up to Berlin/Gorham to see some of my family while they’re down south. No big plans for the rest of the year. We’re planning to head to Vermont for Thanksgiving, but we don’t have further plans aside from continuing to get the house ready to sell.

An update and some new photos of Kyle

Hope everyone is well.

Not too much has happened in the last few months. We had a quiet Easter at home. Kyle had a good time playing little league once again. In mid-April, we headed off to spend a few hours at the Edison National Historic Site in West Orange. I had been a couple of years ago (on a Veteran’s Day I had off but Suzanne and Kyle didn’t). We also have our National Parks pass from our trip out west last summer, so it was free. We had a very nice time. Kyle enjoyed it and got another Junior Ranger badge.

Easter MorningKyle the ballplayer

We joined a community supported agriculture (CSA) farm. (A CSA is a program where ones pays a fee for a share. Then, each week, you get a delivery of produce from the farm.) It’s interesting in that each week we get something new, perhaps something that we wouldn’t normally buy. So far, I have eating more greens that I probably have in the rest of my life combined. In early June, they had a potluck at the farm (out in Andover, NJ, about an hour from our house). It was nice to meet some new people, to meet the farmer who would be growing our food, and see his fields. There was a bunch of stuff still in the field that was harvested and delivered to us just a few days later.

Kyle at the farm

Farmer John

The next week, we went with Kyle’s Cub Scout pack their semi-annual camping trip. In the fall, it was a district-wide camporee. This time, it was just his pack. We headed down to Allaire State Park, about an hour away, and had a nice time. In July, Jack and Mary Lou came up for over a week and a half starting just before the fourth, which was nice for us and Kyle. (Suzanne had to be in RI for the next week.)

Learning some knots

No big plans for the rest of the summer. We’ll probably spend a few days here and there while Kyle is between camp and school. Of course, we heading to Disney World in October which should be a great, especially as we’re going to be there with my brother Allan and my mom.

I have finally managed to put some more photos of Kyle:

Brief Update and Some Photos

We hope everyone is doing well. I thought I’d pass along a brief update and some photos.

We had a very nice time visiting with Suzanne’s parents over Christmas. It was great to see our new niece Ally. My mom and Allan came up to visit with us as well, so we really got to see a lot of family. After the holidays, we celebrated my and Kyle’s birthdays. A bit later, we had the Pinewood Derby at Kyle’s Cub Scout Pack. He did okay, especially for the first time we built a car and my general lack of woodworking skills.

In early February, we had Kyle’s birthday party at Dairy Queen. It was a great time with lots of kids. Kyle also did his first science project. (Suzanne has some photos on her phone, but I haven’t gotten them off yet and it’s non-trivial to do so.) A big event near the end of the month was Kyle’s Cub Scout Pack’s trip to sleepover on the Battleship USS New Jersey. Kyle had been looking forward to this since it was announced in Sept. It was a great time, though the 2 1/2 hour tour on Saturday evening, much spent outside in the 40 degree, drizzly night, was a bit long. As I write this, Suzanne and Kyle are in South Carolina as Suzanne had a business trip to a conference only 20 minutes from her parents. We don’t have any other big events planned for the time, but I’m sure something will come up.

At Kyle's birthday

At Kyle’s birthday

At Kyle's birthday

At Kyle’s birthday

At Kyle's birthday

At Kyle’s birthday

On the USS New Jersey

The USS New Jersey at night

On the USS New Jersey

On the USS New Jersey

On the USS New Jersey

On the USS New Jersey

On the USS New Jersey

On the USS New Jersey ? Taken by Kyle

On the USS New Jersey

On the USS New Jersey

Kyle and the USS NJ

Kyle and the USS NJ

New photos of Kyle

I know it’s been ages since I added photos of Kyle. I finally got some new ones up from the past few months.

  • July and August – including photos from camping in NH in July and our trip out West in August (most of which have been posted).
  • September and October – including photos from a trip to Boston & Battleship Cove and the fall Cub Scout Camporee
  • November and December – not much yet, but will include Christmas photos in a few weeks

Striking a poseKyle and Massachusetts Rear GunsKyle at Monster Golf