CS 601 – Different Footers Depending on State

One of the things I’m doing with the site is to have different footers depending on if a user is logged in. The footer will contain a second, static menu for accessibility reason. This would be pretty straightforward to do in PHP in the footer page except I have different numbers of items depending on if a customer is logged in, if an employee is logged in, or if no one is logged in. This means the div widths have to change to keep it centered in the footer menu wrapper div. I could do this in the page, but I thought it would get messy and cumbersome. Instead I use includes.

In index.php:

$loggedinCustomer = True;  // Just here for styling testing.
$loggedinEmployee = False; // Will be extracted from login cookie.

In footer.php:

if ($loggedinCustomer) {
} else if ($loggedinEmployee) {
} else {

Each of the HTML pages is the html for just the menu and not a complete page (with head and body elements, etc.) The main.css file then contains selectors for different divs, etc., classes of NotLoggedIn, CustomerLoggedIn, and EmployeeLoggedIn. In fact, considering it, I could even import different CSS files depending on the login state, but that might be overkill for this.

This looks like an interesting solution. and I may use it for more than this. It also follows the model-view-controller (MVC) desing concept presented by Murach.

PS, coming soon will be the post about MySQL developer which I promised a couple of weeks back. I’m also going to do one on the Netbeans IDE. For the latter, suffice to say that if you’re not using it (or an equivalent IDE), get it.