Photos from our trip to visit Peter and Theresa's over Labor Day, 2008. Allan came down from Manchester for Saturday & Sunday. We had a very nice time and even got to see Paul's aunt and uncle Denise and Bob and aunt, uncle, and cousin Carol, Mike, and Carley. On Monday, we went to the Friendly Farm, where Paul went when he was a kid. Kyle really loved it, at least until a bunch of goats wanted some food a bit too much.

Photos from our trip to Michigan in July 2008. We started in Lansing (visiting with Leslie), spent a few days in Benzonia with Paul Murphy, then a couple of days on Mackinac Island, finishing up in Ann Arbor (after a night in Birch Run to break up the trip). We had a great and relaxing time.

Photos from our President's Day weekend trip to Baltimore. We very much enjoyed the trip. Kyle especially liked the Port Discovery childrens museum and the aquarium.
Photos from our trip to Florida over Memorial Day weekend 2007. This includes us meeting up with our friend Paul Murphy and spending a day at the Magic Kingdom in Disney World.
Photos from Paul's trip to Northern NH for his grandmother's 80th birthday party.
Photos from our trip to Newport and Bristol, RI in Feb 2007. This was a last minutes trip (decided Fri around 4:00 PM and left Sat morning at 8:00) and our first trip with Kyle on the train. We had a nice time, even getting to see Paul's uncle Paul, aunt Debbie, and cousins Jennifer and Amy. Some of the photos aren't great as I took only my point and shoot as we already had too much luggage to take the SLR.
Photos from our daytrip to the Adventure Aquarium in Camden and to Philadelphia.

Photos from the deep sea fishing trip Paul and his Dad went on for his Dad's birthday. They took the special cod fishing trip on the <a href="http://www.jamaicaii.com/">Jamaica II</a> out of Brielle, NJ (near Point Pleasant). They only caught one keeper, a ling, but did catch many other fish and had a great time.

Photos from our trip to Gettysburg, PA in July 2004. There's also a couple of photos from our detour to Lancaster County on the way home.